Founded in 1948, Holy Cross College of Calinan has evolved and prospered over time into the schood of Excellence, Leadership and Service that is so well known in our community today. Throughout our history, HCCC has been blessed with the leadership and inspiration of the Presentation of Mary Sisters, generous financial support from parents and alumni, and the selfless dedication of the men and women who served on as faculty and staff. In turn, HCCC has blessed our community through its formation of young men and women steeped in Gospel Values and educational competence, who have used their many talents and faith in Christ to enrich the lives of others. And so, with confident conviction, HCCC vows to do even more and be even a greater blessing to its students and local community.


We are a K to 12 school. We provide an academically-vigorous, nurturing, and joyful learning environment using traditional and 21st Century best practices. Moreover, we integrate the teachings, traditions, virtues, and values of our Catholic faith into the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical development of all our students. With this faith foundation and passion for excellence, leadership and service, our students in the Basic Education Department will be able to make a difference in the world around them. We offer special programs in Technology and Livelihood Education for Grades 7-10 to better equip our students with technical-vocational skills aligned with the Tech-Voc Track in the Senior High School.


Insert primary education description, goals, objectives here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas scelerisque accumsan malesuada. Nullam mattis leo eget leo malesuada bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In auctor, neque blandit viverra commodo, quam lorem rutrum lacus, id varius quam nisi ac odio. Ut metus lacus, scelerisque ut libero sit amet, sagittis laoreet arcu. Donec id sem vel lectus rutrum aliquam. Fusce magna orci, vehicula ut quam in, maximus dignissim justo. Donec convallis erat mattis, dapibus velit ut, interdum nulla.


Insert junior high school description, goals, objectives here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas scelerisque accumsan malesuada. Nullam mattis leo eget leo malesuada bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In auctor, neque blandit viverra commodo, quam lorem rutrum lacus, id varius quam nisi ac odio. Ut metus lacus, scelerisque ut libero sit amet, sagittis laoreet arcu. Donec id sem vel lectus rutrum aliquam. Fusce magna orci, vehicula ut quam in, maximus dignissim justo. Donec convallis erat mattis, dapibus velit ut, interdum nulla.


Grades 11 and 12 form Senior High School (SHS), the culmination stage of the K to 12 Program. In here, the students take on Core Curriculum as well as contextualized and specialized subjects in their preferred track.

The core subjects are designed to prepare students for the College Curriculum. Through them, each students will meet the College Readiness Standards that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has laid down as the minimum requirements for being admitted to any college or university. Every student has to take the Core Subjects, which have the same content and the same competencies for everyone. There are 15 Core Subjects,each of which (except Physical Education and Health) takes 80 hours to complete.

The applied/contextualized subjects will ensure that all students have the same competencies as every other student. These, however, do not have the same content. The content depends on which track a particular student chooses. There are 7 contextualized subjects which also takes 80 hours to complete.

The four strands of the Academic Track of Senior High School (SHS) has each nine (9) specialization subjects to complete, depending on the track they have chosen. These specialized subjects do not have the same content and competencies which also takes 80 hours to complete. SHS aims to empower graduates for any of the different exit points: skills development (further technical-vocational training from their Grade 9-10 TLE Specialization), entrepreneurship, employment, and higher education from the four tracks in the SHS curriculum. HCCC is now currently offering only the Academic track with four (4) strands, to wit.


Business and
Management (ABM)

It is for those who plan to take up Business related courses in Higher Education or engage in business, entrepreneurship, and other business-related careers.

Humanities and
Social Sciences

For students who intend to pursue these fields of study at the university level.

Science, Technology,
Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM)

For students who are inclined towards or have the aptitude for Math and Science or Engineering studies.


Organizations and clubs are important sources for formation on social living.
For this reason, the school encourages every student to become an active member of three (3) organizations.


The Book Lovers Club aims to stimulate a wider appreciation and love for literature and other printed materials among its members.


The Communicators Club aims at developing the communication skills of the members through varied speaking genres such as Elocution, Declamation, Extemporaneous and Smart Talking.


The Sentinel is a school publication that aims to keep students informed of all current events in school.


The Young Artist Club is composed of students who are devoted to writing and drawing. This aims to enhance their writing and drawing skills through trainings and workshops. This is to cultivate, promote, and sustain the beauty of art.


The Science Club aims to expose its members to situations conducive to the enhancement of leadership potentials and capabilities; keep its members abreast of current scientific issues through reading of scientific magazines and viewing films; sponsor scientific exhibits and contests in school; and participate in inter-school activities like essay writing contests and science quizzes.


The Math Club aims to encourage students to exert more effort in learning and in gaining mastery of at least the basics of Math and to enable the Math-gifted members to realize their potentials and motivate them to share their talents with less gifted ones.

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.