Welcome to Holy Cross College of Calinan (HCCC) Website! This most awaited moment has come to a reality as we embark to the 7 th decade of HCCC’s existence.


To briefly refresh our memories, Holy Cross of Calinan (High School) was founded on June 1948 by the foreign missionaries of Quebec, Canada (PME Fathers).


The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (PM Sisters) took over the administration in 1958. It was in 1964 that the College Department was opened. The following year in 1965, the grade school department was then opened.


With the opening of the other departments, the Holy Cross College of Calinan (HCCC) was formally and officially adopted as a new name in 1967.


Through the years, HCCC has continued its challenging yet joyful works of Christian evangelization, expand its operations and has gained prestige for its standard of education.


In 2007, a major change in its administrative structure for both grade school and high school was done by naming both as Basic Education Department. The HCCC Basic Education Department has been awarded Level 2 in PAASCU Accreditation with its validity until 2019.


October 2015 was PAASCU’s latest visit to accredit the College Department. Last April 2016, the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) and Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) awarded the HCCC College Department as Level 2 in the Accreditation valid for 5 years.


With such result, we look forward of opening new programs specifically on Information Technology, Computer Courses and contemplating of the possibility of applying for TESDA Courses.


I am hoping that the HCCC’s whole educational operations must be consistently aligned with its Vision, Mission and Philosophy and that HCCC will produce the graduates God wants them to be, to better serve God’s people and to respond the works of evangelization.


Holy Crossians, we can ACHIEVE all our dreams if Jesus Christ is always the center of all that we do. Let us utilize this website for His greater glory and honor.


With Saint Marie Rivier, let us say: ALL FOR GOD, ALL THROUGH HIS HOLY LOVE!


School President


The mission and vision statements are critical to the strategic planning process since they provide clear,
guiding principles that further define who the health center is as an organization and why the center exists.
Mission and vision statements create the foundation for action planning
and a basis for accountability with the community.
The mission is the what, while a vision is the why.

Values are critically important to organizations because those who have the same value systems,
or core values, tend to succeed within the organization,
while those who do not share that set of values generally do not succeed.
As employees are faced with daily decision-making, the core values will serve as the guidelines.
When managers’ and employees’ values do not match those of the organization – stated or implied –
the results could be turnover, decreased productivity, dissatisfaction.

HCCC History

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The Holy Cross College of Calinan , formerly named Holy Cross of Calinan was opened by the PME Fathers in June 1948 as an answer to the general public’s repeated and urgent clamor for an institution that could provide their children with a secondary education which was both academic and spiritual. Since then, the school has gradually and continuously grown and expanded in size, enrollment, and in-teaching and non-teaching personnel.

During its first year of operation in 1948, the school had only 59 Freshmen and 36 Sophomores under the charge of three classroom teachers and a principal, housed in just only one building.


The congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary was founded in Thueyts, France on November 21,1796 at the height of the French Revolution.

The Foundress, Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier, consecrated herself to God, dedicating her life to the Christian education of the youth.  Her burning love of God, her dauntless zeal, her passion to make Jesus Christ known and loved unto the ends of the world, her boundless and endless charity for the unfortunate, the poor, and the abandoned children led Pius IX to call her The “Woman Apostle”.

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.